French artist Aurélie Salavert conveys her thoughts, feelings and memories into pictures that feel as if they were buried in our own subconscious. The thruline of her practice is drawing that continuously reinvents itself through her use of different techniques and styles, allowing a figurative abstraction to emerge. Salavert's vast output of intimate pencil drawings, with their gentle washes of watercolor or flat areas of gouache, speak to us in a childlike clarity, but their meaning remains open. As Stéphane Calais states in the text for the exhibition Une expédition at the Fondation Ricard, Paris, "She is looking for something, at times she finds something, and when she doesn't, we're happy being lost with her."
Aurélie Salavert
Happy Face, ND
ink on fabric using handmade stamps
11 3/4 x 11 3/4 in
30 x 30 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Untitled (Something in my mind or elsewhere), ND
gouache on found map
41 1/4 x 32 3/4 in
105 x 83 cm
Aurélie Salavert
A summer at the sea, ND
pencil and gouache on found paper
6 1/4 x 9 3/4 in
16 x 25 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Mother and daughter, ND
watercolor on found paper
8 1/4 x 10 1/4 in
21 x 26 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Walk, Walk, Walk, ND
gouache on found paperboard
8 3/4 x 8 3/4 in
22 x 22 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Change your point of view, ND
gouache on found paperboard
9 1/4 x 7 1/4 in
23 x 18 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Necessary, ND
pastel and pencil on found paper
7 1/4 x 10 3/4 in
18 x 27 cm
Aurélie Salavert
I saw things so beautiful that I wanted to melt away, ND
watercolor and pencil on found paper
7 3/4 x 11 in
20 x 28 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Waiting for Spring, ND
pencil on found paper
8 1/2 x 11 3/4 in
21.5 x 30 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Never alone, ND
gouache and watercolor on found paper
11 3/4 x 8 1/4 in
30 x 21 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Yello Party, ND
gouache on found paperboard
8 1/4 x 10 3/4 in
20.5 x 27 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Eurythmie, ND
gouache and pencil on found paperboard
11 3/4 x 8 1/4 in
30 x 21 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Life and disorder: to please and displease, ND
pencil, watercolor and gouache on found paperboard
8 1/4 x 11 3/4 in
21 x 30 cm
Aurélie Salavert
Worldly prowess (Des prouesses de ce monde), ND
pastel, pencil, gouache on found paper
6 3/4 x 10 3/4 in
17 x 27 cm
New Works by Gallery Artists
OCTOBER 10 - NOvEMBER 11, 2024
APRIL 27 - MAY 31, 2023
Secret Garden
JANUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 28, 2022
Born in Avignon, France
Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium
Aurélie Salavert graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille in 1990. In 1992, she received a grant from the DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - Ministry of Culture. Her work was featured in solo exhibitions at the Galerie Athanor in Marseille and The Calvet Museum in Avignon before she began her collaboration with Galerie Aliceday, Brussels (2008 - 2014). In her most recent exhibition, Aurélie joined renowned florist Thierry Boutemy in a collaborative installation 'Hearts Up' at the Boutemy Atelier. A selection of her artworks were acquired for the permanent collections of the Fond Régional d'art Contemporain (Paris) and the Fond National d'art Contemporain (France), and individual works reside in numerous private collections throughout Europe and the United States.
"For me there are two very distinct moments: My daily time of contemplation and creation, and my inner life, the things I do in secret."